5 Simple but Fun Projects with Random Module

The Random Module is one of the most commonly used modules in Python. We can use it in anything, from a dice roll to a Chatbot program. However, let's start small. Here are 5 quick programs to get you associated with the Random Module. 

#1. Coin Toss: 

The most basic random outcome is a coin toss. We have just two possibilities - Heads and Tails. So, converting that into a Pythonic code is not hard at all. Here it is: 

Random Python Function

Two lines of code... That's all you need to get going with #1. The random.choice() function picks a random element from a list. Here, our list contains the strings - 'Head' and 'Tail'. So, one of them will be randomly picked, just like a real coin toss. 

#2. Dice Roll:

Another classic example of a random occurrence is a dice roll. Here, the result must be a random integer number between 1 and 6. So, we can use another function random.randint(a,b), which picks a random integer between a and b (a and b included). In code, it would look like this: 

random python module

#3. Draw a Playing Card: 

A deck of playing cards has 52 cards and they are divided into 2 colors, 4 suits and 13 cards in each suit. Most games involve a random draw of a card from the deck and therefore, it is another very good project to use the random module. 

random python code

#4. Random Password Generator:

Many people like to use random password generators to create passwords that are hard to guess. They too use random generation mechanisms to generate a password with multiple random characters/numbers in random positions. For starters, let's create a password with 3 numbers and 8 characters. 

random python example

#5. Magic 8 Ball:

A Magic 8 Ball is a toy that gives the user a random answer to any question they think of. It uses a 20-sided piece with answers written on each side. We can do the same in Python but without any 20-sided piece. How ? The Random Module, of course. We can start with 5 responses and go all the way to hundreds of responses, assuming you have the patience.

random generator

Now, the outputs. 






<Note> Your outputs may not be the exact same ones here. Don't fret, however. The random module gives everyone different outputs for different tries. </Note>

So, here is 5 small but quick and fun projects you can try with the Random Module. 

Feel free to comment down below if you have any questions or suggestions.

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If you want to familiarize yourself a little more with Random, check out the projects in this page: The PYgrammer: PYTHON GAMES COMPILATION

If you want to check out other fun modules, have a look at this: MATPLOTLIB - GRAPHS WITH PYTHON (thepygrammer.blogspot.com)
