Rock Paper Scissors Shoot ! Simple R-P-S Project with Score in Python

This classic can be recreated in Python using if-statements and random module to get computer's choice. There are 9 situations possible in Rock-Paper-Scissors. Each situation can be recreated using an if-statement. Also, usage of numbers makes the job simpler and the numbers can later be converted to their respective game-equivalent. Using for-loop, we can play multiple rounds and dictionaries can help keep a record of number of wins.


Click this link for the code: Rock Paper Scissors With Python

def rps():
    import random
    import time

    scores = {'You':0,'Computer':0}

    n = int(input('How many rounds do you want to play: '))

    for x in range(n):

        print('\nRound - ',x+1)

        #For simplicity, lets assume 1 is rock, 2 is paper and 3 is scissors

        choices = ['Rock','Paper','Scissors']

        while True:
            userchoice = int(input("\nEnter 1 for Rock, 2 for Paper and 3 for Scissors: "))
            if userchoice not in [1,2,3]:
                print("\nThat is an invalid input\n")

        cpuchoice = random.choice([1,2,3])

        if userchoice == cpuchoice:
            print(f"\nDraw, You put {choices[userchoice-1]} and Computer put {choices[cpuchoice-1]}\n")

        elif userchoice == 1 and cpuchoice == 2:
            print(f"\nComputer Wins, You put {choices[userchoice-1]} and Computer put {choices[cpuchoice-1]}\n")
            scores['Computer'] += 1

        elif userchoice == 1 and cpuchoice == 3:
            print(f"\nYou Win, You put {choices[userchoice-1]} and Computer put {choices[cpuchoice-1]}\n")
            scores['You'] += 1

        elif userchoice == 2 and cpuchoice == 1:
            print(f"\nYou Win, You put {choices[userchoice-1]} and Computer put {choices[cpuchoice-1]}\n")
            scores['You'] += 1

        elif userchoice == 2 and cpuchoice == 3:
            print(f"\nComputer Wins, You put {choices[userchoice-1]} and Computer put {choices[cpuchoice-1]}\n")
            scores['Computer'] += 1

        elif userchoice == 3 and cpuchoice == 1:
            print(f"\nComputer Wins, You put {choices[userchoice-1]} and Computer put {choices[cpuchoice-1]}\n")
            scores['Computer'] += 1

        elif userchoice == 3 and cpuchoice == 2:
            print(f"\nYou Win, You put {choices[userchoice-1]} and Computer put {choices[cpuchoice-1]}\n")
            scores['You'] += 1


    print(f"\nFINAL SCORES:\n\nYou: {scores['You']}\nComputer: {scores['Computer']}")
    input('\n\nPress Enter to Exit')


There are many possible outputs so, here's one of the many possible outputs:

How many rounds do you want to play: 2

Round -  1

Enter 1 for Rock, 2 for Paper and 3 for Scissors: 1

You Win, You put Rock and Computer put Scissors

Round -  2

Enter 1 for Rock, 2 for Paper and 3 for Scissors: 3

Computer Wins, You put Scissors and Computer put Rock


You: 1
Computer: 1

Press Enter to Exit

This is just the code for the basic game. With similar if-statements, the game can be expanded to Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock or any other updated editions. Let me know your version in the comment section. 

If you want to check out other games with Python: PYTHON GAMES COMPILATION (
